Friday, June 13, 2014

Remember When...

Remember that time I was going to start blogging again? Yea its been two months since my last post.

Some so stuff has happened since April- some exciting- some not- what you ask? Well you just sit right there and let me tell you!
1. We ordered our wedding invitations.
           * BUT We forgot to order our rehearsal dinner invitation or RSVP cards for brunch.
           ** BUT We create a funny ass RSVP card.

2. We bought new fish. To go in our shiny new (and unnecessary) fish tank.

3. The string quartet my wedding planner suggested was a group of high schoolers. Um WHAT?!?! My future MIL has conducted at Carnegie Hall MULTIPLE times. Future hubs WHOLE family are classically trained musicians and you come at me with that weak shit? (and yes I did tell the planner that music was one of the areas we wanted to spend money - see above).

4. I quit crossfit and started back barre workouts and yoga. Yup still fat.
5. I was planning on going to yoga tonight before my FRIDAY NIGHT OFF! But then I stubbed my pinkie toe and took off the nail so.....I don't think hot yoga is in the cards. Oh well guys I'll just have to go drink beer and eat hamburgers at our friends house. And I don't even care.

On that note I am off to finish watching PLL and head home. Thats right....I love that damn show.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The mother f'ing fish

Yesterday was a slow day at work- left early, ran some errands, and made an amazing dinner. Then as I am cleaning up the kitchen tragedy struck. At exactly 8:22 Monday, April 14th 2014, I realized our fish tank was leaking. Panic set in immediately. Who knows when all 56 gallons of that bad boy might explode all over our apartment. Sad little flopping fish bodies all over the floor.

The future hubs and I raced our asses right on over to Petsmart and bought a new tank. Huge shout out to the people of Petsmart for staying late so that we could get our new tank. 4 hours and one fish fight (Wes vs. a wiley clown loach) later we were back in business.

BUT (oh yes there is a but) even after emptying out the old tank we could not find the crack. Upon moving the filter to the new tank I realized the housing of the filter had a crack in it and was slowly leaking water. What does this mean you ask? It means that we may have needlessly spent way way too much money on buying a new tank, 4 hours of our night transferring gravel, plants, water and fish to a new tank when I could have just taped up the filter housing.

After that little discovery I poured us two very large glasses of wine, got into bed, and turned on Archer.

Two life lessons were learned/ cemented last night- 1) Examine the filter for leaks, not just the joints of the tank. 2) Pick a partner who makes you laugh, especially at 11:30pm while trying to move some large and aggressive fish from one tank to another.  (I am sure there are more but I don't totally know how to write them down.)

So as of right now there is a 56 gallon fish tank with some water and gravel in it sitting in the middle of our kitchen. Anybody want it? I may end up going straight Office Space on that bad boy later this week.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

All of the NEEDS (ok some are desires)

That's right bitches I am back.

Things I NEED

Some fucking Vitamin D

I don't know if anyone out there is ole' blogger land has ever had a severe Vit D deficiency but let me tell you it blows (not as much as only having 11% kidney function). Your whole body hurts and all you want to do is sleep. This has been the LONGEST winter of my life (aka the last three years I have spent in the North). This week the sun has FINALLY peaked out and the temperature has been over 40. Hallelujah.

I am smiling to hide the tears. 

To stop drinking so much damn wine

You know what got me through the last 6 months of winter. That's right. It snowed for 6 months. 6 MONTHS. Wine. All of the wine. Specifically this beauty. She is affordable and oh so drinkable.

Big shout out to Running of the Reeses for getting me hooked. 

Also. Champagne. How I love you. 

To get my workout on

I have a very very pretty wedding dress to fit into in October and if I don't push away from the troff and start getting my workout on it ain't gonna be pretty. Crossfit I swear I will be back! Just not this week. This week was all about working and sleeping (and sadly not drinking wine- that has been cut out until my pants start fitting better).

Can I just lay down and die right here? Is that ok?

Ok rant over. Going back to work now.....

Soon-to-be MAPS

Monday, February 07, 2011

Worst. 'Blogger'. Ever

Seriously. I am. How do I go to a super bowl party filled with delicious food and fail to take any pictures? Alas, overall it was a great night, albiet a boring game. The boys played some music and the girls played with the puppy.

Here is a quick run down of what we noshed on-

  • Spicy vegetarian chili (could have been vegan but we all pilled on cheese and sour cream) served out of the prettiest crock pot I have ever seen.


  • Big veggie tray with dill dip and olive oil crackers.

Stonewall Kitchen

  • BBQ chicken nachos. 

If you have never had these go out and make them right now. They are super simple, probably too simple for safety. Layer chips, chicken covered in Sweet Baby Ray's sauce and a healthy amount of cheddar cheese and melt in the oven.

  • Brownies and cookie cake from Publix.

Sorry for the poor resolution.

Hope everyone's Superbowl Sunday was fun and safe!

Until next time I will leave you with these nuggets of wisdom:

  1.  I have a soft spot in my heart for the Publix Bakery. The fudge brownies cannot be beat.
  2. Want to know a secret from my time spent as a cater waiter- Publix makes the best wedding cakes. Don't believe me? Fine, but next time you are at a wedding where the cake actually tastes good and not like it has sat out for 3 days with 8 people touching it, it is from Publix, promise. 

Friday, February 04, 2011

Interesting Thought

Family and blogs. Friends and blogs. Who do you want to read yours? This topic has popped up a couple times in the last two days so I thought I would bring it up for discussion. That means all 3 of you should comment! It will be fun, promise.

I feel like blogging is inherently narcissistic. I mean come on, its basically saying "HEY look at me I am cool and interesting and you should want to read about my life!" But if that is cool with you (which it clearly is with moi) then you need to decide who you want sharing your life via the internet. Meaning, who do you want to read it? What do you want to get out of it? Is it an outlet? A place to share? But what if you decided to keep it separate from your real life friends and family and then someone finds it? Or you decide you want people to know?

I started my blog with the desire for my friends and family to read it (and not just because they are the only people who care enough to do so). But, some of my friends didn't start off with the same intention. I have one friend in particular whose parents recently discovered her blog and started making nasty comments. It is a perfectly clean blog, a good mix of humor, wit, and snark. In short, everything I love about this girl. I am super bothered that her parents are being so negative.

On the flip side I just started reading a new healthy living blog (it is more of a weight loss journey but the girl is just so cool, can we be friends? please?) Until recently she hadn't told any/ many of her 'real life' friends about One Twenty Five. I wonder if she is way more open because of that?

I wonder what I would write/ do if I hadn't told any of my friends and family about this blog.

What about you? What would you do differently if you intended to keep your bloggy life separate from your 'real life'?
Ps. Remember when I said I was going to start blogging more....yea...about that.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Need(ed): Lazy Night

Today was one of those grey, rainy, nasty days. Needless to say I did NOT want to go to my night class after a full day of work. Thankfully I am very self motivating... ok fine, the following got me to class:

The Keurig coffee maker at work.

Consuming an incredibly unhealthy amount of red hots. 

Take out Thai food for dinner. I know the pictures looks gross, but it was delicious, trust me.

Watching (and commenting on) the SOTU with the boyfriend.