Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Need(ed): Lazy Night

Today was one of those grey, rainy, nasty days. Needless to say I did NOT want to go to my night class after a full day of work. Thankfully I am very self motivating... ok fine, the following got me to class:

The Keurig coffee maker at work.

Consuming an incredibly unhealthy amount of red hots. 

Take out Thai food for dinner. I know the pictures looks gross, but it was delicious, trust me.

Watching (and commenting on) the SOTU with the boyfriend.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Need: A Redo

Can I start this day over? I left my phone at home this morning. I know I know, cry me a river but today I actually need my phone (usually I just compulsively check it even though everyone and anyone who would need me is in the same room). I have a meeting tonight and need to get in touch with someone. The boyfriend has generously allowed me to borrow his crackberry....so long as I can fish it out from between the seats of the car where he dropped it. Isn't he so loving? No, but really he is. 

Second week of class is going well. Although I have a serious craving for

Sugar Bakeshop (get the almond cupcake...now...go..
unless you don't live in Charleston 
then that would be a long drive....
although they are delicious)

But I am seriously lazy and its is AT LEAST four blocks away, maybe five. So I may settle for one of these

But first I have to finish reading this

The Devil


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year

I know it is well past the New Year but I am just now getting back into the swing of life. My trip up North was fantastic. I will definitely be doing a post with pictures later to tell you all about it. We are in the second week of school and I am still trying to figure out my schedule. Life is very hectic, overwhelmingly so. It is my final semester of law school which means I need to find a job and be an adult. Even more overwhelming? In about 4 months I am moving to Massachusetts. Whoa. I know. Thankfully I am moving with the most wonderful man in the world. This semester I really need to take time to step back and breath and be thankful for this moment and the people in my life.

More to come. Promise this time.