Friday, February 04, 2011

Interesting Thought

Family and blogs. Friends and blogs. Who do you want to read yours? This topic has popped up a couple times in the last two days so I thought I would bring it up for discussion. That means all 3 of you should comment! It will be fun, promise.

I feel like blogging is inherently narcissistic. I mean come on, its basically saying "HEY look at me I am cool and interesting and you should want to read about my life!" But if that is cool with you (which it clearly is with moi) then you need to decide who you want sharing your life via the internet. Meaning, who do you want to read it? What do you want to get out of it? Is it an outlet? A place to share? But what if you decided to keep it separate from your real life friends and family and then someone finds it? Or you decide you want people to know?

I started my blog with the desire for my friends and family to read it (and not just because they are the only people who care enough to do so). But, some of my friends didn't start off with the same intention. I have one friend in particular whose parents recently discovered her blog and started making nasty comments. It is a perfectly clean blog, a good mix of humor, wit, and snark. In short, everything I love about this girl. I am super bothered that her parents are being so negative.

On the flip side I just started reading a new healthy living blog (it is more of a weight loss journey but the girl is just so cool, can we be friends? please?) Until recently she hadn't told any/ many of her 'real life' friends about One Twenty Five. I wonder if she is way more open because of that?

I wonder what I would write/ do if I hadn't told any of my friends and family about this blog.

What about you? What would you do differently if you intended to keep your bloggy life separate from your 'real life'?
Ps. Remember when I said I was going to start blogging more....yea...about that.


  1. Hi lady (E here, from One Twenty Five) :)

    Thank you for wanting to be my friend. I literally have zero, so would YOU please be MY friend. I can pay you in cash or visa? :) hehe

    Hmm, tough topic. My first IRL reader is officially reading 125, but I CONSTANTLY think others I know are too, and that everyone gets together and discusses it, and then laughs behind my back... (paranoid much?) BUT, with that being said, being Anon was/is the best thing I could have EVER done. It helped me write out my frustration.anger.thoughts. I would never take it back.

    However, I don't (slash I know I won't) ever link my blog, to say, my fb, but there's also something to be said for IRL peeps reading your words (accountability!)

    So there's pros and cons to each side! I actually have a 2nd blog, where I'm 100% anon (no photos even) and just write out my thoughts (mostly on boy stuff), and it helps me so much, so that's an option too!

    Anywho, Happy Weekend and thank you for reading 125,



  2. I needed this today. You eloquently said everything that has been rushing through my head. I started to blog as an outlet, with no real intentions of anyone ever reading it (other than the few of you that I sent it to). There are certainly people that I never thought would EVER know about it. I'm not keeping it a secret because I have secret things to write, but rather because it's just easier not to share certain things. I'm torn. I plan on stalking this post to see what everyone else thinks.

